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D'après les dernières news de Leica Rumors et l'interview du Leica's CEO Alfred Schopf :

"We will have one, definitely. And it will, of course, be quite different to M system. We want to have autofocus with such a system and we may well have an APSC size sensor rather than a bigger one. It will be a German built camera, however I'm not sure we can make all of the lenses made in Germany because we are talking about a different price range to M system so I could imagine that we do some fixed focal length lenses in Germany and maybe with the zooms we will co-operate with a partner"

Donc :
- Pas de viseur intégré
- Capteur APS-C
- un modèle à objectif Fixe "verre allemand" et un modèle avec un zoom avec des verres fabriqués par un partenaire ... Panasonic.
par Maaglo
vendredi 22 novembre 2013 - 9:22
Forum: Leica T, TL & CL
Sujet: LEICA T ou type 701
Réponses: 293
Vus: 75773

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